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Attracting Employees and Clients with Shared Values: A Powerful Business Strategy for PAX [Video]

Biblical Business Tips And Strategies

Attracting Employees and Clients with Shared Values: A Powerful Business Strategy for PAX

Watch the full episode of YourStake, Your Story with PAX Financial: https://www.yourstake.org/esguniversity/ep-22-the-pax-principles-darryl-lyons-ceo-on-building-his-firm-with-intention-and-incorporating-biblically-responsible-investing

Discover how this unconventional business approach of aligning values attracts both employees and customers. Learn why polarization in America can actually benefit companies that prioritize their customers’ deeply-held beliefs. #SharedValues #EmployeeAttraction #BusinessStrategy #CustomerEngagement #CompanyValues #EmployeeAlignment #PolarizationInAmerica #CustomerPriorities #BuildingCommunity #BusinessSuccess

In this episode of YourStake, Your Story, host Gabe Rissman speaks with Darryl Lyons, CEO and co-founder of PAX Financial Group, a firm that has grown to 25 employees managing $700 million in Assets.

From Mobile Home to Financially Home: Darryl’s Journey
Darryl shares his personal journey growing up in a mobile home to eventually founding PAX Financial Group. He recalls, “I was edging the skirting of our mobile home. And if you get too close to the skirting, you crack it. And so I just thought, how do people have houses with foundations? I just became curious about money.”

While biblical values were not originally a focus, about five years ago Darryl had an awakening to fully live out his faith, making Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) core to PAX’s approach.

‍Cultivating a Community-Driven Culture
Darryl discusses how he has intentionally shaped PAX’s unique culture around their values. Every client-facing team member, from advisors to 401(k) and insurance specialists, is required to serve on the board of a non-profit aligned with PAX’s mission of giving people hope.

This policy not only keeps the team engaged with the local community but also serves as a business development channel. “About two or three years in, if you’re doing the right thing for the right reasons, there’s going to be a very wealthy person that’s on the board or affiliated with the board saying, I’ve been watching you and I like you.”

Navigating the Transition from Advisor to CEO
One of the most significant challenges Daryl faced in his journey was the transition from working directly with clients as an advisor to taking on the role of CEO. He candidly shares, “Vacillating between the two is really hard because it’s really two parts of the brain. I can imagine going into a strategy meeting for the business and then spending a couple hours with clients, and then going back and rethinking about strategy. It really doesn’t work that well.” Daryl emphasizes the importance of understanding your own skills, passions, and the needs of the organization during this transition. “It got to the point where I said, I really got to make a decision for the betterment of everyone.”

Daryl admits that the process wasn’t always smooth, and he had to learn from his mistakes along the way. One key lesson he learned was the importance of clear communication and setting expectations with clients. Another critical aspect of the transition was getting buy-in from the team. Daryl thoughtfully brought in advisors as equity partners to build excitement and ensure everyone was in the right seat before stepping back from client work. For advisors considering a similar transition,

Daryl’s advice is to be intentional, communicate clearly, and lean on your team. By understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, setting expectations with clients, and empowering your team members, you can successfully navigate the shift from advisor to CEO while maintaining the trust and confidence of all stakeholders.

‍The Journey Continues
Daryl’s story is a testament to the power of aligning one’s values and faith with their professional pursuits. By committing to not be lukewarm, but commit to his beliefs and continuously learning and adapting, he has built a thriving firm that is making a positive impact on clients, employees, and the community.

As Daryl looks to the future, he is excited about the growth potential for biblically responsible investing and the role technology will play in making it more accessible, tangible, and explainable to investors. He sees PAX Financial Group as well-positioned to lead the charge in this space, with a strong team, a clear mission, and a commitment to excellence.

For advisors and investors alike, Daryl’s journey offers valuable insights and inspiration. Whether you’re navigating a transition in your own career, looking to align your investments with your values, or seeking to make a positive impact in your community, Daryl’s story shows that it’s possible to achieve success while staying true to what matters most.

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