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Biden Declared Easter Sunday to be Transgender Visibility Day While Also Prohibiting Religious Themes at White House BIZ Northwest Louisiana [Video]

Christian Business

I was stunned this past Easter weekend to learn that President Biden had declared Easter Sunday to be “Transgender Visibility Day.”  Easter, the highest, holy day of the Christian year for millions of Americans and still billions more around the world.  That’s the day President Biden thought best to endorse and highlight transgenderism. 

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (Shreveport, LA) responded that the White House “betrayed the central tenet of Easter—which is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.”  He further stated, “banning sacred truth and tradition—while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day’—is outrageous and abhorrent.”  

The Heritage Foundation responded on X that “Easter Sunday is the holiest day of the Christian calendar, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Transgender Day of Visibility is a sacrilegious invention celebrating the mutilation of healthy human bodies. That it would exist at all is a disservice to Americans. That it would …

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