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bne IntelliNews – Live fish fall from the sky in Central Iran [Video]

Biblical Business Tips And Strategies

In what looks similar to some sort of Biblical miracle or a real life “Sharknado”, large live fish fell from the sky in Yasouj, a city in Central Iran, and were left flapping on the road, a video posted on local social media purportedly shows.

The post swiftly went viral across social media platforms in Iran. The footage, filmed by a local resident, shows fish plummeting from the sky onto a square within the city. The videographer even picked up one of the fish from the ground which was still alive and wiggling.

Comments on social media speculated that some sort of typhoon or a whirlwind over water had sucked up the fish and then dumped them again as rain shortly afterwards.

That theory is not entirely impossible. As bne IntelliNews reported, global warming means the atmosphere is sucking up vast quantities of water this year and releasing it again as torrential rainfall: hotter air can absorb more water and last year was the …

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