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Delete Identity. Start Again. 😮👊🙌 [Video]

Biblical Entrepreneurship

Delete Identity. Start Again. 😮👊🙌

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Delete Identity. Start Again. 😮👊🙌

In the bible it tells us that God renews our mind, which is a lifelong journey.

Your supernatural positioning as a child of God is that you do have the mind of Christ and your mind is being renewed by Him daily.

Some of us seem to take it upon ourselves, that if we somehow checklist our way through what we think it should look like and it we’ll be good.

We can still lcome from the lens of being who we think we should be, what people think we should be – really anything from the lens that isnt God’s.

What God does when we come back to Him & give it all over to Him, is say to us that He made us this way for His glory, and His kingdom.

This is what it means when I say Delete idenity and start again – with God’s lens and identity in Him.

Did you know about my course?!

The Secret Garden

A Place for Entrepreneurs. In the Secret Garden God has made you. In which all that is FOR you. May Come Through.
Where we sit in rest.
Breathe in flow.
And fully come to know,
the plan God has made us
And the path we MUST walk.
And YOU.
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs Who Simply Know It’s Time.
A Place for Entrepreneurs. In The Secret Garden God has made you. In which all that is FOR you,
may come through.
And THE place where I will be teaching all the flow led biz creation things … all the flow led YOU things … all the GOD led WAY of things.

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