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Diet Culture in the Church and Faith-Based Healing with Liesel Maddox, RDN LD [Video]

Christian Business Mentorship

Diet Culture in the Church and Faith-Based Healing with Liesel Maddox, RDN LD

On episode 11 with Liesel, we dive into:

Embracing every day of life as a gift

Liesel’s eating disorder recovery story

The influence of diet culture on eating disorders

Feeling out of control with food

Understanding that healing is a slow and steady process

God’s guidance in recovery

The importance of having professional, ED-focused support

The “all foods fit” approach to eating

Practical tips to address diet culture in the church

Helpful tips for friends and family

Avoiding unhelpful comments on food and body size

The services Liesel offers to clients

Liesel Maddox, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionistx who specializes in eating disorder nutrition treatment, intuitive eating, and food freedom through online coaching. She is also a believer who recovered from her own battle with an eating disorder, and she is now passionate to help other Christian women who are struggling.

Visit Liesel’s website here to learn more about all of the nutrition services she offers—including one-on-one and group support—and her blog.

Follow Liesel on Instagram @dietitian.liesel (

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