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Hawley calls to ‘take the trans flag down’ from federal buildings, have Christian CEOs put America first’ [Video]

Christian Business

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., called for restoring Christianity to the center of American life and the removal of the “trans flag” from federal buildings in a speech on Friday.

In the past week, American politicians and commentators have been sharply divided over a new Louisiana law requiring the biblical Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms. At The Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Policy Conference, Hawley argued that the Christian religion should be a core part of American life, including its classrooms, rather than LGBTQ identity politics.

Hawley made a spirited argument that religion is not what divides American society, but unites America, and that instead, “what is dividing America is their attempt to erase our heritage, to erase the foundation that this country has in, yes, the Bible.”

“Who is dividing America is the radical Left,” he told the conservative conference. “And that’s why I say to you, we don’t need less Christian …

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