Christian Business

Heartbreaking Search Continues: Two NYC Teens Still Missing After Massive Wave at Jacob Riis Park [Video]

Two teenagers, aged 16 and 17, vanished while swimming off Jacob Riis Park in New York City. Witnesses reported a massive wave overtaking them just minutes after lifeguards went off duty. The incident triggered a large-scale rescue operation that included marine units, fire boats, drones, and helicopters.

The search, which began Friday night, has turned into a recovery mission. Elyjha Chandler, 16, and his friend, Christian, were in knee-high water when the wave struck. Elyjha’s father, Urshell Chandler, shared that Elyjha couldn’t swim and had gone to the beach on a whim instead of attending basketball practice. “It was like a demon coming at them,” Urshell said.

Elyjha’s mother, in tears, sat near the water’s edge, pleading for her son’s safe return. “My only son,” she cried, looking to the sky. “God is in control. I’m going to keep praying.”

The teenagers were among four who entered the water, but …

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