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How to Build a Winning Team + How to Handle a Major Crisis (Reznik & Tishenko) | KEBN 2024 Part 2 [Video]

Biblical Entrepreneurship

How to Build a Winning Team + How to Handle a Major Crisis (Reznik & Tishenko) | KEBN 2024 Part 2

❖ Session 3 (Konstantin Reznik):
“How to Build a Winning Team”
Building a winning team begins with understanding the importance of culture and core values. Aligning the team with clear core values and fostering a positive and lawful work environment can reduce turnover and build a cohesive, motivated team. Here are key strategies for success:
▸ Reject Poverty Mentality: Maintain a positive mindset, believing that there are plenty of good people to hire.
▸ Become a Pro Employer: Follow laws and ensure a legitimate work environment, as quality employees seek a legitimate employer.
▸ Lead, Don’t Boss: Focus on leading and inspiring rather than dictating, fostering respect and loyalty.
▸ Avoid Hiring Friends and Family: This often complicates professional relationships and can lead to conflicts.
▸ Build a Great Team Culture: Identify and define the company’s core values, ensuring they are reflected in hiring processes and company practices. Reward employees who exemplify these values.

❖ Session 4 (Vito Tishenko):
“How to Handle a Major Crisis”
learn essential strategies for navigating through a major crisis. We’ll explore the inspiring story of Vito, a successful entrepreneur who faced a severe financial downturn during the 2007 real estate crash. Key points include:
▸ Acknowledging the Problem: Understanding the importance of facing challenges head-on rather than avoiding them.
▸ Transparent Communication: Learning how honest and open communication with employees and suppliers fosters trust and collaboration.
▸ Staying Calm and Focused: Discovering how maintaining a peaceful mindset, even in the darkest times, can shift perspectives and help find solutions.
▸ Leveraging Relationships: Seeing the power of strong relationships in business and how they can provide support during tough times.
▸ Faith and Resilience: Gaining insights into how faith and prayer can play a crucial role in decision-making and perseverance.

For further details and deep dives into these topics, visit us at KEBN.org
Kingdom Entrepreneurs Business Network

00:00 Intro
02:36 S3: How to Build a Winning Team
32:52 S4: How to Handle a Major Crisis

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