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Low-barrier shelter funding and behavioral health facility gain traction in KCMO [Video]

Faith and Finance

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas City elected leaders advanced two separate plans that would help upgrade and expand care for people who are homeless a few years before building a 200-bed Missouri state behavioral health facility within a block of each other.

Both plans advanced through the Kansas City Council Finance Committee and stand to be approved by the full City Council Thursday.

Missouri toddler in desperate need of a new kidney

An initial Request For Prosposals (RFP) process picked Hope Faith to get a little more than $7 million in Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding to expand its day center to accommodate 24/7 care.

Hope Faith already provides that service during cold winter months but city leaders hoped a year-round option would provide a “front door” to allow more people to avoid sleeping on the streets with the ultimate goal of getting connected to services and into more permanent housing.

Significant community pushback from the Columbus Park neighborhoodnearby, convinced city leaders to start the RFP process …

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