Biblical Business

Money Management Tips From Scripture [Video]

The Bible provides believers with wisdom for all factors of life. Whether you’re running a business, going through a divorce, moving to a new city or preparing to adopt, you can find answers to your “how to” questions in the Word.

One area of wisdom required by all people, regardless of circumstance, race, or age, is money management. Luckily, God reiterates truths about properly stewarding wealth throughout the text.

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In no particular order, here are five money management tips from Scripture.

Be Generous

One’s generosity is a direct reflection of God’s character, the ideal display of the Imago Dei – being made in His image. When God sees His children being generous it moves His heart. The reward for generosity is blessings – God’s approval, anointing, and continued generosity back to you.

Psalm 41:1-2 “Blessed is the one who considers the poor! In …

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