Biblical Business

To give back to the community while staying profitable [Video]

To give back to the community while staying profitable

To give back to the community while staying profitable, let’s remember Luke 12:33: ‘Sell your possessions and give to the poor…’, Proverbs 11:25: ‘A generous person will prosper…’, and Acts 20:35: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Balancing generosity with business success brings true fulfillment. 🙌❤️ #CommunitySupport #Luke1233 #Proverbs1125 #Acts2035 #Generosity #FaithInBusiness #GiveBack #Prosperity #Blessings #Inspiration #Motivation #GodIsGood #SpiritualJourney #ChristianBusinessSisterhood #ChristianBusinessWomen

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