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What is Sowfully Living Life? [Video]

Faith Based Entrepreneurs

What is Sowfully Living Life?

Hey You!! I created this channel as the natural progression of my individual coaching because I have helped many people and I’m here to help you see yourself through the eyes of the Lord, who watches over us as El Roi.

SOWFULLY LIVING LIFE is a Christ faith based life coaching program that teaches mainly women how to live in relationship with the One who created them Jesus Christ through our loving Father. The program, and individual and group coaching goes completely against everything that modern life pushes to and through us, through all of the media, advertising and the messages that we are not enough we don’t have enough. We need to consume “more”. We need to be “more” and when we actually meet and begin our deep relationship with our Father through Jesus Christ, we find out that those are all lies! And that the world wants to mold us, shape us, and change us into its image, and that image is one of a self-absorbed pride filled superficial non-authentic shell.

I aim to show you that the Word of God is a life-changing manual—not boring at all! It’s filled with wisdom that will help you leave frustration, failure, poor choices, bad relationships behind and live in faith, hope, and clarity.

There’s a divine blueprint waiting for you in the Word. Remember, you are not alone—the Lord is with you always, in every way!

And this by the way is Sowfully Living Life! Sowing the Word of God on purpose, with purpose, for purposeChannel Purpose Revealed: Empowering Your Journey with God Through His Living Word!

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